Heritage is all that has been passed to us by previous generations. The term has become synonymous with the places, objects, knowledge and skills we inherit that are valued for reasons beyond their mere utility.”
Historic England
Historic England
hOME / About / Places of Worship / Heritage Buildings / Domestic listed properties / Country estates / grant /CONTACT US / Fires
Every day in the UK our cultural history is threatened by fire.
Dozens of historic building and interiors are damaged or destroyed every year.
Our Heritage Lost Forever - Literally turning our history to ashes.
We are all guilty of ignoring these old buildings, we see them every day, they become part of the background, something nice but something we don't take time to think about - until they are gone! We should all spend a bit more time looking at these old structures, seeing them for their beauty, their design and for the history they embody - places to be admired, loved and protected.
Dozens of historic building and interiors are damaged or destroyed every year.
Our Heritage Lost Forever - Literally turning our history to ashes.
We are all guilty of ignoring these old buildings, we see them every day, they become part of the background, something nice but something we don't take time to think about - until they are gone! We should all spend a bit more time looking at these old structures, seeing them for their beauty, their design and for the history they embody - places to be admired, loved and protected.
Click on the Links (>) Below
fires in heritage buildings 2021
>January - February 2021
>March - April 2021
Click on the Links (>) Below
fires in heritage buildings 2020
>January - February 2020
>March - April 2020
>MaY - June 2020
>July - August 2020
>September - October 2020
>November - December 2020
NEW: 2020 Fires Index
Click on the Links (>) Below
fires in heritage buildings 2019
>January - February 2019
>March - April 2019
>May - June 2019
>July - August 2019
>September - October 2019
>November - DecEMber 2019
NEW: 2019 Fires Index
fires in heritage buildings 2018
>January - JunE 2018
>July - DecembeR 2018
NEW: 2018 Fires Index
>fires in heritage buildings 2017
New: 2017 Fires Index
Heritage & Ecclesiastical Fire Protection
Preventing Fire, Protecting Life, Preserving Heritage
Click HERE for Expert Specialist Fire Safety Risk Assessments for Historic and Listed Buildings
Preventing Fire, Protecting Life, Preserving Heritage
Click HERE for Expert Specialist Fire Safety Risk Assessments for Historic and Listed Buildings
Phone: 07840 351458 Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07840 351458 Email: [email protected]
Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales, CH5 1PE
Heritage & Ecclesiastical Fire Protection is a trading style of Dragon Fire Safety
Heritage & Ecclesiastical Fire Protection is a trading style of Dragon Fire Safety